We're thrilled to announce the new app for Adrian R-III! It's everything Adrian R-III, in your pocket. Download for Android: https://aptg.co/3JdFcy Download for iPhone https://aptg.co/QPS45Y
11 months ago, Adrian R3
It's everything Adrian R-III in your pocket
Speech and debate presented to the board of education last night about their competitions they have attended this year.
11 months ago, Don Lile
speech and debate
March 19th Announcements
11 months ago, Adrian
March 19th Announcements
Adrian is hosting a blood drive Friday, March 22nd from 8:30 A.M. - 12:30 P.M.
11 months ago, Adrian
Blood Drive
March 14th Announcements
11 months ago, Adrian
March 14th Announcements
Congratulations to Seth Ford for being awarded the John T. Belcher Scholarship from the FutureBuilders Foundation and the Missouri School Boards’ Association! Go Seth!
11 months ago, Adrian
Press Release. Seth Ford. Adrian
March 3th Announcements
11 months ago, Adrian
March 3th announcements
March 12th announcements
11 months ago, Adrian
March announcements 3/12
Student Council is sponsoring a Spring Blood Drive on March 22. Please feel free to sign up to donate if you are able. Did You Know? One pint of blood can save up to three lives. CBC is OUR Community Blood Center As a blood donor, you are a vital part of a team of individuals working together to save the lives of hospital patients in our area. That means the blood supply collected from our donors directly serves the needs of patients in our local community! Ready to donate? Sign up today for OUR blood drive Friday, March 22! Make an appointment: https://donate.savealifenow.org/donor/schedules/drive_schedule/82747
11 months ago, Adrian
Adrian is looking for new bus drivers! If you are interested call (816) -618-3310 or follow the link below. https://workatfirst.com/divisions/first-student/
11 months ago, Adrian
Bus Drivers for Hire
2024 Senior Information
11 months ago, Adrian
2024 Senior Information
March 4th Announcements
11 months ago, Adrian
March 4th announcements
Students in middle school AVID are working on collaborating. Their task is to make a tower out of spaghetti and marshmallows that is at least two feet tall and can support a weight. Lots of ideas about structure have been discussed. Let the building begin!
11 months ago, Adrian
middle school AVID
middle school AVID
middle school AVID
middle school AVID
March 1st Announcements
11 months ago, John Collins
March 1st  Announcements
This is a reminder that we are in school Monday March 4th and not in school Friday March 8th. Thank you
11 months ago, Don Lile
Reminder kindergarten screenings are today and tomorrow for any student eligible to attend kindergarten in the 24-25 school year. Please contact the elementary school to schedule your child's appointment.
11 months ago, Don Lile
February 23rd Announcements
12 months ago, Adrian
February Announcements 223
February Announcements 2/21
12 months ago, Adrian
February Announcements 221
Brenna Rich graduated from Penney High School in 2001. She received her Bachelor's in Psychology from Truman State University in 2005. In 2008, she completed her Masters in Educational Psychology with an emphasis in Counseling and Personnel Psychology from the University of Minnesota. She earned her Education Specialist in Counseling and Assessment from Missouri State University in 2016 and will soon complete an Education Specialist in Educational Leadership K-12 from Northwest Missouri State University. Brenna is in her eleventh year of school counseling. She is currently the elementary school counselor and psychological examiner in the Adrian School District where she has served for almost seven years. Prior to Adrian, she was a school counselor for four years in the Nevada and Mt. Vernon School Districts. Brenna lives in Rich Hill with her husband, Jason, and near extended family. They have one daughter, Merida (6 months), a new member of the Blackhawk tribe! Most of their free time is spent outdoors fishing or camping or planning how to camp and fish with a wee one. I am honored to move into the role of Special Services Director and work with the committed and extraordinarily skilled staff of Adrian R-III. I will continue to build positive and supportive relationships with staff, families, and all stakeholders as we team for every student to reach their full potential. I am BLACKHAWK proud!!
12 months ago, Adrian
 Brenna Rich Family
February Announcements 2/20
12 months ago, Adrian
February Announcements 220